
The company “Carpentier Verpackungsmaschinen” has been found in 1996 by Bernhard Carpentier. Since then the company is well-known for their quality and high performance all over the market.
Within only a few years a variety of products have been developed such as: Box erecting machines, Lid closing machines, Top-Load Solutions, Cartoner, especially Multfishliner and gathering packers.
Together with Kai Capital Management GmbH & Co. KG the company has been converted to its current form of organization Carpentier Packaging GmbH in 2011.
The pleasant business performance enabled investments in new developments of
integrated robot systems and in the extension of the current train of machines. (additional CNC-machine tools)
During the last years new markets were opened.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!
+49 (0) 6732 / 91603-0